Cold with
High Environmental Value

Data center cooling systems

Produce cold
using water as refrigerant

Alpinov X has developed a data center refresh solution.

Under vacuum. In order to be able to use water as a natural refrigerant.

Using water. So that it does not generate any pollution or risk.

A high performance turbo-compressorWhich minimizes energy consumption.

The Alpinov X solution has many advantages

«  100% security »

Not subject to regulations such as DESP, ATEX, ICPE. Easy commissioning and maintenance. Reduced costs associated with regulatory obligations.

«  100% water »

Water is used as a refrigerant. This results in a very low environmental impact. Anticipating the bans planned for 2030.

« COP best in class»

Top performance. Controlled electricity consumption. Reduced operating costs.

Complex issues

Multiple questions

Data center players are subject to increasing complexity:

Regulatory compliance?

Societal and authorities acceptability?

Is there a way to reconcile performance with reduced environmental impact?

Are more restrictive regulations in preparation?


Data centers thus face a threefold environmental problem:

Optimizing the energy efficiency of the infrastructure.

Increase the share of energy from renewable sources.

Reduce the environmental impact as a whole.

Reduce the level of uncertainties

Our solution will allow the world of the data center to have a means of producing cold:

Free from any reproach on its environmental impact.

No “hidden” impact on production or end of fluid life.

A model on health and safety subjects.

No bad “surprise” either on that side. No recurring costs related to these aspects.

With high energy efficiency.

A solution with a “best in class” COP.

Anticipating the regulatory changes already enacted for 2030.

It will then be prohibited to use gases with a strong greenhouse effect for the production of cold.

Reduce the environmental impact

With Alpinov X, on the way to truly green cooling networks:

  • 0 greenhouse effect.
  • 0 ozone layer impact.
  • No impact on the “manufacture” of the fluid.
  • No impact at the end of the fluid’s life.
  • Subject to no safety regulations.
  • No health risk for operators.
  • Energy efficiency.

Chez Alpinov X  nous sommes pionniers dans l’utilisation de l’eau (R718) en tant que fluide frigorigène dans un cycle fermé sous vide d’évapo–condensation pour produire du froid.


Bâtiment C
62 rue Louise Drevet
38360 Noyarey