Cold with high
Environmental Value

District Cooling Networks

Produce cold
using water as a refrigerant

Alpinov X has developed a solution for district cooling networks.

Under vacuum. In order to be able to use water as a natural refrigerant.

Using water. So that it does not generate any pollution or risk.

A high performance turbo-compressorWhich minimizes energy consumption.

Alpinov X solution has many advantages

«  100% security »

Not subject to regulations such as DESP, ATEX, ICPE. Easy commissioning and maintenance. Reduced costs associated with regulatory obligations.

«  100% water »

Water is used as a refrigerant. This results in a very low environmental impact. Anticipating the bans planned for 2030.

« COP best in class»

Top performance. Controlled electricity consumption. Reduced operating costs.

Complex issues

Multiple questions

The managers of urban cooling networks are subject to increasing complexity.

Compliance and regulatory anticipation?

How to find new ways to significantly improve the environmental impact?

Is all this possible without sacrificing performance, directly linked to the energy impact?


Cooling networks have undeniable advantages over stand-alone solutions. Whether in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, energy performance, renewable origin of the electricity used or noise management.

The networks must remain at the forefront of what is done in terms of environmental impact and pull up all air conditioning and cooling systems market.

In particular because they are managed by delegation of public service for cities and territories which must be exemplary.

Reduce the level of uncertainties

Our solution will allow urban cooling networks to have a means of producing cold:

Free from any reproach on its environmental impact.

No “hidden” impact on production or end of fluid life.

Also exemplary on health and safety subjects.

No bad “surprise” on that side either. No recurring costs related to these aspects.

With high energy efficiency.

A solution with a “best in class” COP.

Anticipating the regulatory future?

The ban on the use of strong greenhouse gases for the production of cold has already been acted. Maybe one day we will care about the overall impact of the fluid used?

Reduce the environmental impact

With Alpinov X, on the way to truly green cooling networks:

  • 0 greenhouse effect.
  • 0 ozone layer impact.
  • No impact on the “manufacture” of the fluid.
  • No impact at the end of the fluid’s life.
  • Subject to no safety regulations.
  • No health risk for operators.
  • Energy efficiency.

Chez Alpinov X  nous sommes pionniers dans l’utilisation de l’eau (R718) en tant que fluide frigorigène dans un cycle fermé sous vide d’évapo–condensation pour produire du froid.


Bâtiment C
62 rue Louise Drevet
38360 Noyarey